Dr Hunter Wang

Gastroenterologist & Interventional Endoscopist

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What are Polyps?

Polyps are small, benign (non-cancerous) growths that can form in different body parts, including the gastrointestinal tract. 

They may be single or multiple, of different sizes and shapes, and appear as sessile or pedunculated (on a stem) types.

What are Colorectal Polyps?

Colorectal or colon polyps are cell growths on the colon surface. These clumps of cells have a base on the colon epithelial surface and protrude into the large intestine cavity. 

Some of these polyps can evolve into colon cancer, which can be a fatal diagnosis if discovered at a late stage.

What are Complex Polyps?

A complex polyp is categorised by:

  • Location – located in a difficult area such as the ileocaecal valve and anorectal junction,
  • Access – they can be more challenging to reach and remove than polyps found during a standard colonoscopy, and
  • Complexity – due to size (greater than 2 cm) or shape such as flatness.
  • Scarred - due to unsuccessful or incomplete previous attempt at removal.

How Do Complex Polyps Impact Your Anatomy and Health?

If left untreated, polyps can lead to colon or rectum cancer. This can be a severe health concern, as colon cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. In addition, complex polyps can cause other symptoms such as rectal bleeding, changes in bowel movements, abdominal pain, and anaemia. These symptoms can significantly impact your quality of life and require prompt medical attention.

Types Of Colorectal Polyps

Hyperplastic polyps Adenomas
Inflammatory polyps Serrated polyps
Hamartomatous polyps
  • Adenomatous polyps: These are the most common type of polyp, accounting for over two-thirds of all colon polyps. Depending on their shape and size, adenomatous polyps can be further classified as tubular, tubulovillous, or villous adenomas. They have the potential to become cancerous if left untreated.
  • Serrated polyps: These are less common but can be harder to identify and have a higher risk of developing cancer.
  • Hyperplastic polyps: These polyps are usually small and do not have the potential to become cancerous.
  • Inflammatory polyps: These are typically associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • Hamartomatous polyps: A type of non-cancerous growth typically composed of a mixture of normal tissue types, such as muscle, connective tissue, and blood vessels, that are arranged abnormally.


Colorectal polyps can affect anyone.

Patients with an elevated risk of developing Colorectal Polyps typically have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Age, usually over 50 years old, although there is an increasing incidence of younger patients with polyps or colon cancer,
  • positive family history of colon cancer or polyps, 
  • men
  • long-standing tobacco and alcohol use, 
  • Type 2 Diabetes, 
  • those who are obese with a sedentary lifestyle
  • People with inflammatory diseases of the intestine (such as Crohn’s disease)


While some risk factors for colorectal polyps cannot be changed, you can take steps to reduce your risk. These include

  • Eating a healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in red and processed meats.
  • Exercising regularly to maintain a healthy weight and reduce inflammation.
  • Quitting smoking, which is a known risk factor for colon cancer.
  • Getting regular colonoscopies as recommended by your doctor.


The exact cause of colorectal polyps is still unknown. Most cases are sporadic; however, there are likely to be multiple causes. Individuals with certain inherited genetic mutations are more likely to develop polyps and potentially cancers. This includes: 

  • Lynch syndrome,
    also called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Lynch syndrome is the most common form of inherited colon cancer and also can be associated with tumours in other parts of the abdomen. There are often multiple generations of family members involved. 
  • Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that causes hundreds or even thousands of polyps to develop in the lining of your colon beginning at a young age. A total proctocolectomy is usually recommended as patients have almost a 100% chance of developing cancer. People with FAP may develop abnormal growths in other body parts and will require regular screening. 
  • Gardner syndrome is a variant of FAP that causes polyps to develop throughout your colon and small intestine. You also may develop noncancerous tumours in other parts of your body, including your skin, bones and abdomen.
  • MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) is a condition similar to FAP that is caused by changes in the MYH gene. People with MAP often develop multiple adenomatous polyps and colon cancer at a young age.
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a condition that usually begins with hyperpigmentation (freckles) developing all over the body, including the lips, gums and feet. Polyps can develop throughout the intestines. These polyps have the potential to transform into cancer.
  • Serrated polyposis syndrome is a condition that leads to multiple serrated adenomatous polyps in the colon. These polyps may become cancerous and require removal. Close surveillance and regular colonoscopies may prevent colon cancer and avoid surgical removal of the colon.


In most cases, colorectal polyps don’t cause any symptoms. They are often discovered for the first time during routine digestive tract examination or while the physician is running tests for some other complaint. In some cases, patients do experience some symptoms which include:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Blood streaked stool or changed the colour of stool
  • Constipation or diarrhoea, which lasts more than a week
  • Abdominal cramps and pain due to obstruction (usually indicates larger-sized polyps)
  • Anaemia


Colorectal polyps are typically diagnosed during a colonoscopy, which is a procedure that allows your gastroenterologist to examine the colon and rectum using a flexible tube with a camera.

During a colonoscopy, your gastroenterologist inserts the tube into the rectum and slowly advances it through the colon. The camera on the end of the tube allows for the examination of the colon and rectum's lining for any abnormalities, including polyps. 


Polyps can be safely removed during endoscopy or colonoscopy; however, the size and number of polyps and each patient’s circumstances must be assessed.

There are several methods for removing colorectal polyps, including

  • Polypectomy: This is the most common method of removing polyps during a colonoscopy. A wire loop or snare is passed through the colonoscope, and the polyp is cut off and removed.
  • Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR): This advanced technique involves injecting fluid under the polyp to lift it off the colon wall before removing it with a snare.
  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD): This advanced technique aims to remove large polyps en bloc (single piece) to allow accurate histologic analysis and reduce recurrence rates. 

After the polyp is removed, it will be sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine whether it is cancerous. If it is, further treatment, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, may be necessary.

In some cases, a combination of treatments might be necessary. Also, remember that after the polyps are removed, regular follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor for recurrence or other potential complications.


  • Pain and discomfort after the procedure are uncommon. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication or suggest over-the-counter pain relievers to manage pain.
  • You may need to avoid solid food briefly and switch to a liquid diet to give your digestive system time to recover. It is essential to stay hydrated and consume enough fluids.
  • It is crucial to schedule and attend follow-up appointments with your doctor. During these appointments, your doctor will discuss the procedure's results and any necessary further treatment or monitoring.
  • You may need to avoid strenuous physical activity or exercise briefly after the procedure. Your doctor will advise you on the appropriate level of physical activity and when to resume normal activities.
  • Although complications are rare after colorectal polyp removal, monitoring for any signs of infection, bleeding, or other complications is essential. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience fever, severe pain, or bleeding.


If colorectal polyps are detected early and removed, the risk of developing colorectal cancer can be significantly reduced. If you have been diagnosed with colorectal polyps or cancer, following your doctor's recommended treatment plan and scheduling regular follow-up appointments is essential. With early detection and appropriate treatment, the risks associated with colorectal polyps can be minimised, and the chances of successful treatment and recovery can be improved.

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